Knysna 2009

Welcome to Gary, Lesley and Hena's BLOG !

Monday 15 June 2009

Busy day at Sinethemba again. The day began with Devotion which was more subdued than usual as Micheal has bust a string on his guitar! What followed was a visit by the Child Welfare Group who came to talk to the kids in Afrikaans about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (which South Africa adopted in 1995 - was that about the time Nelson Mandela rose to power?). The kids were amazing and asked very relevant questions about Domestic Violence, teenage pregnancy and the rights of the father etc.... all in Afrikaans again but Crystal translated for us.
We collared the Child Welfare worker (who used to work in Slough with the elderly!) afterwards and asked her about the new piece of children's legislation currently going through the South African parliament. She described it as ground-breaking stuff and said that it would improve the lives of the kids in the townships if only South Africa had 66,000 social workers - currently it has but 12,000. Tempting eh !?

Long conversations with the kids today who we are now privileged to call our friends. They tell of amazing experiences within incredible lives. We have so many stories to tell; some tragic, others of a culture so far removed from our greedy existence in England.

There was a white child there today. Elgin told us he has been raised by a coloured family and lives in the township. Unfortunately Hena heard the black kids mocking his white skin but she cut the bullies short - with classic Team Teach and E&D stuff !! Lez made a stack of greetings cards with the group - these are sold to raise much needed funds for Sinethemba; we'll bring a fistful each home of course. Lez was also propositioned by a 14 year old Xhosa! He said "Empty your pockets please because I think you've stolen my heart!" And I was compared favourably to Hans Fonk.... that's your homework :-)

New photos include a typical Township haircut; shirts; Hena's adopted baby at the laundry; and a monkey infestation at the house!

We woke to sunshine again today. The weather's been glorious for a South African winter. We share our accomodation with other volunteers who work around Knysna; hardly the most comfortable but that's not why we're here is it? But finding a 3 inch scorpion in the bath led to an unsettled night!!

Wednesday we have trips planned to the local children's home, a school, and Lez and Hena are on a home visit to a assess a child at risk. I'm running a numeracy class because I admitted to being able to explain how to divide! (Tomorrow we've been invited to see Elephants, Cheetahs etc... we'll tell you of this too and post photos.... but we'll miss Sinethemba).

Game ( so play along please)

Flies, fly clap clap clap
Flies, fly clap clap clap
Dogs, bark clap clap clap
Cats, miaow clap clap clap
Fish, swim clap clap clap
Trees, walk and if you clapped here then do a forfeit !

Thanks for your ongoing support; Heni, Lez and Gaza xxx


  Julie Sutcliffe

15 June 2009 at 15:34

Hello Hena Gary and Les,
You sound like your really getting stuck in over there, we're printing off some of your photo's hope you don't mind just so staff can see the look on their faces!!! it's the most amazing feeling in the world - I've no idea how you're not emotional all day long!!!!
Keep on dancing and clapping
take care Julie xxxx


16 June 2009 at 13:53

Hi guys, hope your all well. Seems like the kids have really taken to you & Hena that little baby really suits you, you look so cosy together. He is gorgeous.The local children's home sounds interesting Gary. Glad i didn't go with you cos i'd be bringing the kids home with me.

Stay safe n have fun
See you soon
Elaine Walmsley xxx


17 June 2009 at 11:51

hey henry...
nice legs ;)..shame u couldnt get any guys bt monkeys to hassle u...say hello to the gang and
by the way steve came to visit us cos he was missin mum which was nice...

anyway see u soon..bring back freebies...

from all the family...

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