Knysna 2009

Welcome to Gary, Lesley and Hena's BLOG !

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Wow! Crazy day! Set travelling at 10.00; its now 20.21 and we're only in Paris! Actually we're at Charles de Gaulle airport awaiting a 23.30 departure for J'burg. As much as we like French airport food we don't ever want to see another baguette!

Excess baggage at Manchester Airport was a joke. We had to re-pack every piece of hold and hand luggage, working to stuff the contents of crates into personal luggage to take them to the max 20k and 8k respectively as excess charge was exorbatent-20 pounds per kilo.

Chatted to some nice people along the way; and of course they all know our names as they're blazoned across our chests! Funniest moment so far-Lez insisting to a French customs officer that Burnley are in the First Division whilst he calmly tried to put her straight and explain they were now in the Premiership! (And her feet smell!)

We are sat in a deserted departure lounge overlooking a runway. Lez is laid across 4 seats sleeping off her days excessive food intake, Heni is quiet (for the first time today!) writing her journal and I'm administrating this thing. Hope all's well back home. Love and miss yous to our special people-you know who you are ;-)

Gaza, Heni and Lez


  Mishbah R

9 June 2009 at 18:55

I don't know why the photo thing didn't work. But you shouldn't have any problem now.

Let me know if you have any problem.

Mishbah R

  Julie Sutcliffe

10 June 2009 at 01:02

Good Morning to you All,
Hope you have arrived safe and well and it's as good if not better than expected.
It's a shame about the luggage problem you had but am sure it'll be worth it for all the fun you'll have with it.

Keep us all posted on your trip!!! take care Julie xx

  Anthony Moorcroft

10 June 2009 at 13:22

Good evening to you all,
hope you are all safe and sound and that the journey was a pleasent one. I am sure you will have a truly magical experience and Knysna will soon realise they have got three supper stars with them.

Take care and look after each other and enjoy!! Ant X

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