Knysna 2009

Welcome to Gary, Lesley and Hena's BLOG !

Tuesday 23 June 2009


Our final day at Sinethemba went well...we dropped our gospel choices and asked Micheal to lead on guitar and get the kids warmed up with some of their favourite chants. I was then asked to speak and without preparation spoke to the group for at least ten minutes - may sound difficult but when you're speaking from the heart at the end of such a powerful two weeks it comes easy...

The farewells were painful but we've established links with Sinethemba that we will maintain through the coming years.

And we've been travelling ever since then !

What travels back to England with us: ( this least is not exhaustive but is intended to give a flavour of how the Knysna Township has impacted upon each of us )

We will never holiday on a sunbed again

Empty suitcases

Children the world over are the same: However, many children across the globe are exposed to chronic levels of deprivation

Lesley will never complain of not having enough pairs of shoes again

Townships may look dirty and depressing...but they are home to a community spirit and people with a zest for life and an appreciation of the simple things

A renewed ability to care and be kind to our neighbours

Gary will smile even when he feels grumpy

That a smile bridges cultural differences

Hena will never complain of being hungry again

Football brings people together

We love our Mums

Those with nothing share what little they have: Those with too much do not share enough

Drugs are destroying too many childrens lives

Discipline and structure is central to life in the Township

Africa's children have a greater awareness of HIV than England's adults

The children of the Knysna Township can play football better in bare feet than Burnley's children can in Adidas Predadtors

Some people choose to be beautiful; some do not

Sinethemba - "We have hope"

See you all soon now....

The crew

ps: Rushaard and Cheslyn, two of Sinethemba's finest, have made the South African Squad for the 'Homeless World Cup' in Milan this Autumn. They will need boots.......please.



23 June 2009 at 11:52

well done guys - been following your stuff and what a brill post which seems to sum it up. you can take me for lunch to tell me all about it Gary :) safe journey home x Aimee x


23 June 2009 at 14:05

Dear all..

So were back in the uk....and its raining!!!!!

Still a bit jet lagged, need to catch up with some lost sleeps, don't I Les and Gary who both really enjoy the comfort of travelling and sleeping on planes.. can sleep for england the pair of them....

As days go on, i will be posting some of my own personal experiences on this blog that have been a highlight of this project and plenty more photo's to add too..

A very big thankyou to all who supported our project and those who followed our blog all the way through with us, you have been a great strength to us...much appreciated...

Just sharing a quote that came to mine and Gary's mind couple of days ago:

"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered" NELSON MANDELA.

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