Knysna 2009

Welcome to Gary, Lesley and Hena's BLOG !

Thursday 18 June 2009

Cunjani ? Ndiaphila ?

Another Sinethemba day, and another sunny day; so another good day :=)

The day started with Devotion, led by Hena today with a prayer and a chorus of 'Che Caro'. Nice one Hena ! Appreciated by all.

Today saw what was, for us, one of the highlights of the trip. We visited the local children's home that currently accomodates 22 children. We chatted to Eva, the Manager, who was a beautiful human being. The children there are from 3 months through to 18 years and cared for in only three bedrooms. We discussed all aspects of care with her across what was quite a lengthy visit. We spent time with one dejected looking baby who warmed to Hena's hugs and I asked her to "grow strong, smile and please be happy": She had only been at the home two weeks.
We departed, exchanging email addresses and telephone numbers with Eva and already have ideas for ongoing links with her and the home. We were moved to making donations, on behalf of us and you all.
Next stop was yesterdays Creche where we led a nursery rhyme session and Lesley was engulfed by children as she gave out sweets and lollipops.

More township soccer and lazing in the sun dominated the afternoon...Lesley has proven her inability to play God's game (Sean she needs lessons!) but Hena proved invaluable saving and scoring goals with all parts of her anatomy! And Elgin tells me I have been sent as a blessing to South Africa to be the new national goalkeeper (must be a poor side!)

Before leaving Hena was teaching Josie and the kids 'Five Stones' African/ Asian game which proved a real hit here. And Lesley made great strides forward with two reserved teenage girls at Sinethemba who, due to past experiences, are proving difficult to reach. I just hope we are here long enough for her to 'make that difference'.

We are currently in our friendly Internet Cafe drinking coffee and editing this Blog. And this evening we are out with Josh (our new bestest mate who leaves tomorrow) and a few others for a meal at 'The Oystercatcher'. So life is indeed good....

We fly home Tuesday and each of us will travel with mixed feelings. We so miss you all and yet will be leaving behind many new friends and a very special country...

Soon now...

Lesley, Hena and Gary

ps: see all photos of todays experiences...



18 June 2009 at 11:38

Your doing a brilliant job guy's... Such aworthy cause. Keep up th good work and stay safe, see you all when you get back. Best wishes, Nav :)
(P.s. love your bolgs), keep them coming!

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