Knysna 2009

Welcome to Gary, Lesley and Hena's BLOG !

Thursday 11 June 2009

Fun and games for rest of journey - will update - but all went well.

Early morning eating porridge...Hena and Lez STILL getting ready...other volunteers left..sat with Sharon ( project organiser ) on her computer. Views from here amazing across palms and towards Knsyna bay. And it's warm.

So many cultural differences/ extremes to tell you of on a future post.

BUT suddenly things have got serious. Induction from Sharon yesterday spoke of rape, abuse, beatings, kids with NOTHING, varying thresholds, NO qual SW support, desperation......travelling up to Township soon - anxious but confident of our skills.

Must dash...

Take care all...

Gaza, Heni and Lez



11 June 2009 at 05:24

Hiya Bruv

Take Care

Dawney xx


11 June 2009 at 10:08

Not sure why it won't let me post a comment...I'll keep trying!

Take care.

lots of love, Cat xxx


11 June 2009 at 10:09


I think it might have worked this time...but only by selecting 'anonymous'...what the heck!

Great to hear that all is going well. Love the photos. Have loads of fun and take care.

Lots of love,
Cat xxxx


11 June 2009 at 13:51

Wheres all thge photos come on we want to see these monkeys that are pinching les n hena's stuff!!!

Have fun n take care



11 June 2009 at 14:35


hope your having fun in africa !

babs said hena hurry home your needed at the vicarage gill doing our heads in haha !

lesley bean we want u to come back aswell x

kim s x
barbra said i could write on here to u mr pickles(gazza) x haha


11 June 2009 at 16:08

aya mum henna and gary ,

hope u r all well n safe...

take care Mickey xxxxx


13 June 2009 at 08:43

hi hena, gary and leslie...been following ur project. we can see that ure wrkin very hard playin football and blowing bubbles...i cud not believe that hena was cookin (its a first).
its nice to see that uve put a smile on these children..

keep up the gud wrk and hpe to see u bk hme safe!

shahnaz and sohail

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