Knysna 2009

Welcome to Gary, Lesley and Hena's BLOG !

Monday 8 June 2009 COMMENTS

Still here !! :-) We fly tomorrow and today is all about last minute prep.

OK; by way of instruction:

Thanks for all your emails and COMMENTS. Despite enjoying the emails, comments are easier for us to manage and you also get your name on the Blog! So, to post a comment, look for the 'Post a Comment' sausage in the bottom right hand corner of each posting (below 'Bookmark'). OK, got it? Click on that and comments made on that post will be revealed, plus a 'Post a Comment' box. Write your comment there, select your profile as Name/ URL and put yer name, ignoring the URL reference. Then simply 'Post your Comment' and finally, follow the coding instructions that appear. Voila!!!

Dead excited!! And a little apprehensive.... Miss you all... See you in Africa..

Gary, Hena and Lesley



8 June 2009 at 10:29

I've added a BIG "POST A COMMENT" button, which can't me missed!. Hope you guys like it.

Enjoy the trip.

Mishbah R


9 June 2009 at 11:47

Yeah.. not to worry Gary... you will be missed too....ha ha!!!.. see you on plane.. oh by the way...have booked you a seat in the naughty corner... enjoy your flight... Hena

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